Self Fulfillment

 Self Fulfillment might be seen as "freedom of speech" but from studying both of these, they are 

in the same family tree but not at all the same thing. Self Fulfillment is being energized by your 

own power to express or motivate oneself whether it be your ability to speak your mind or adjust 

someone else's perception of something. Freedom of Speech is peacefully but speaking about what 

you believe in, in hopes to change an original narrative.

The big concept of Human Liberty and Freedom has a throne in Supreme Court decisions due to the

fact that individuals have the ability to put their pride and everything aside to be able to step in front of 

high authorities to speak about something their would love to rant about or change.

In the society we live in, at times people get shut down from ranting about something that might

have caught their eye or motivated them to change something. This might be a huge political, 

environmental or a view point from individuals. No matter what it is if the individuals view does not 

match the views of other humans it is heavily acted upon. I personally believe that depending on the 

situation, of the view point that was shared whether via social media or verbally it should either be let go 

or the individual should receive major consequences.

Here is an example of self fulfillment/freedom of speech that i think society did not have to get mad about:,Coronavirus%3A%20Vanessa%20Hudgens%20sorry%20for%20'people,are%20going%20to%20die'%20comments&text=Vanessa%20Hudgens%20has%20apologised%20for,seriousness%20of%20the%20coronavirus%20pandemic.&text=After%20her%20comments%20started%20to,back%20on%20Instagram%20to%20clarify.

This article from BBC talks about something a well loved celebrity to Gen Z, tweeted about in

March of 2020 when Corona Virus made its mark. Vanessa Hudgens from "High School Musical" made a 

video which was then posted on her Twitter account saying something on the lines of, (this is not a direct 

quote, i am summarizing) "What is going on in America right now is a slight exaggeration' yes, people are 

going to die and we can get over it".  

I personally understand exactly where she was coming from, however she could have phrased it a

lot nicer to motivate people to stay calm and that everything will be ok. I understand her point because in 

the beginning of the Pandemic Americans almost forgot how to use their brains as if they just found out 

how to walk, and this bothered me a little bit. I understood that in the early stages it was very scary but 

adults who were suppose to protect as from anxiety and the virus itself were behaving like they didn't 

know how to do anything for themselves.

For my next example it is not something i can pull up but it is something that a lot of African

 Americans can remember and relate to. During the recent election there was a lot of talk about different 

parties that several people from different backgrounds that were most likely follow a specific party. 

During that time on social media Americans that were specifically (racist) andwhite went out of their 

socials to basically drag anyone who was not a Trump supporter. People from every Minority group 

clapped back to say they "if racists claimed not to be racist but then went out of their way to support 

someone that IS, homophobic and sexist; then the supporters embody what their leader is. For that reason 

Minority groups were furthermore attacked. I personally was told to drink bleach. I use this example 

because people that did the attacking should have been censored FOR THE RIGHT REASON. THIS IS A 

RIGHT REASON TO BE CENSORED. However absolutely nothing was done about it. Yes it is Freedom 

of speech/self fulfillment but there should be a clear line between right/wrong and or what can be an 

opinion and what should not be an opinion. Racism is not an opinion.


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